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Outlaw God

Jan 24, 2023

Steve Paulson addresses the importance of enduring evil. He explains how endurance has been misread and abused and how Christians must endure evil by applying Christ to it rather than trusting in their own perseverance and strength. He outlines the clear and sure hope Christians have while occupying a world suffering...

Jan 14, 2023

Dr. Steve Paulson discusses what it means to endure evil with faith. He and Caleb Keith address problematic ways that Christians have handled the subjects of evil and suffering. Dr. Paulson applies Luther's Bondage of the Will to these problems to see how faith trusts in Christ to conquer sin and carry our suffering to...

Jan 5, 2023

Dr. Paulson makes a transition into his chapter on evil. He and Caleb discuss the difference between overcoming evil and enduring it. Here, he makes an essential distinction between Christ's conquering of evil and our endurance in faith. These ideas expand the first few pages of Luther's Outlaw God chapter 9. Of...